Photography on Collodion in Trebic, 2021

Photographing with historical historical technique with wet collodion, August 2021, Trebic, Jewish Quarter, Seligmann Bauer's House

As part of Saturday's events organized by the Třebíč Municipal Cultural Center, I photographed and presented the historical photographic technique of the wet collodion on August 7 and 21, 2021.

It was a great pleasure for me to take part in this event and I am of the opinion that this historical technique harmonizes beautifully with the historical part of the town of Třebíč. In agreement with the event organizers, I was placed in the Seligmann Bauer House as one of the official participants.

This historic building has a smaller cozy backyard, which is like most backyards in this part of town up the slope. For me, this meant preparing for the situation that the camera would have to stand on uneven terrain of granite cubes, even at an angle.

We had a lot of fun together on both days. The weather was nice, it was very hot on Saturday, August 21st, which makes shooting on a wet collodion even more difficult. But collodion photography is almost always such a challenge. Every time I "talk" about it, I don't know when to stop. But everything in moderation, as they say ☺

I will now briefly describe what a photo shoot for collodion is about to give you an idea of how it was taken before. I have been dealing with the wet collodion technique since 2011 and I am constantly trying to improve and discover already discovered, sometimes forgotten photographic points of interest.

Collodion photography is currently a historical photographic technique that was probably most used in the 19th century. There are currently many different articles and descriptions of this process. In short, it is the predecessor of the film, ie. that collodion is a binder that allows you to keep a light-sensitive layer, which is then exposed (illuminated) in the camera. Generally speaking, there are two ways to photograph a collodion:

The first option is wet collodion, which means that the whole process is done wet - I use it. In this process, it is necessary to manage in a short time the so-called "sensitization" of the photographic plate, to take photos, develop, and stabilize. The result is instant image, photography on a metal or glass plate.

The second variant of collodion is dry collodion plates. They are prepared in advance, allowed to dry and exposed to them later. Then they develop them in a darkroom - much like a classic film.

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Ideas & Photo Shoot

After every idea, only the decision to take a step forward and start planning is needed.

On this page you can see, for example, photos of a beautiful young girl or couple from a photo shoot on August 21, 2021 in the Jewish Quarter in Třebíč. The photo of the couple was taken in the early evening and the length of the exposure is about 5 seconds in natural light on wet collodion with silver on a metal plate - the so-called tintype (English term for photography on a plate).

Another photo shows a couple with a dog. The weather was very hot when this photo was taken and the sharp rays of the sun prevented us from making a better composition. But the second exhibition was successful and we were all very satisfied. The exposure time was very short due to the low sensitivity of the collodion, I estimate about 2 seconds.

Collodion photography almost always carries a story associated with photography. The portraits will take away not only a photograph with real silver on metal or glass, but also the experience of taking photos with this technique. Each photo is an original that you do not take identically the same. I use the original recipes and I prepare the chemistry for photography myself.
Of course, currently photos can be digitally copied and used in digital form. High-resolution scanned photos allow large prints.

Finally, I would like to draw attention to the short videos at the end of this page, which we recorded during the August photoshoot and subsequently in my studio in Třebíč. Thank you to all interested parties and I will look forward to other events of a similar nature. If you are considering taking photos as a private or a corporate event, you can contact me by phone +420 702 147 081 or email I look forward to meeting you.

Fotografie na kolodium, fotograf Třebíč
Kolodium ambrotypie Třebíč 2021


